Everything you need to understand, fight, and build resilience against SLAPPs – whether on a national, regional or global level.

News Release

CASE Italia network expresses solidarity with Greenpeace Italy and ReCommon, targets of legal intimidation by the Italian oil industry Eni.   

CASE Italia stands strong in solidarity with the environmental NGOs Greenpeace Italia and ReCommon.
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How to counter SLAPPs? CASE Italia releases a position paper

Italy witnesses a concerning rise as politicians and high-profile public figures increasingly employ aggressive legal measures to suppress criticism.
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CASE goes undercover!

CASE sent one of our top secret agents on a special mission to the European Parliament.
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News Release

Ireland: Letter to Mary Lou McDonald about legal actions against the media

A group of freedom of speech and press freedom organisations sent a letter to Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald concerning a score of legal actions taken against the media in Ireland. These claims have the hallmarks of SLAPPs and contribute to a chilling effect on public interest speech.
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Case Study News Release

Lawsuit against a Dutch daily highlights threats to press freedom

We deplore the lawsuit against Dutch daily newspaper Het Financieele Dagblad (FD) and stand in solidarity with the FD and its journalists.
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News Release

Open letter: We refuse to let the Anti-SLAPP Directive be a missed opportunity

We will not support a watered-down Directive that will provide no meaningful protection for journalists, media outlets, activists and civil society organisations in Europe, instead of serving as a model for ambitious anti-SLAPP legislation across Europe and beyond.
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