CASE targets EU lawmakers with policy brief on how to build on European Commission’s anti-SLAPP proposals
The Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe (CASE) is approaching lawmakers at EU and national level with an expert policy brief on the European Commission’s EU anti-SLAPP proposals. The brief highlights the EC initiative’s most ambitious solutions and advises on how to best build on the Commission’s proposals to work towards the strongest possible set of anti-SLAPP rules across the EU.
CASE welcomed the European Commission’s anti-SLAPP initiative, which includes key remedies and procedural safeguards needed in any effective anti-SLAPP legislation, and strongly hopes that national decision-makers will commit to incorporating the proposed anti-SLAPP measures into their domestic legal frameworks. CASE members remain open to ongoing engagement with member states on the implementation process.
A CASE report (March 2022) showed a rising cumulative trend in SLAPPs in Europe since 2015.
Linda Ravo, senior advocacy advisor at Liberties and member of the EU expert group on SLAPPs:
“The EC’s proposals are a crucial first step forward in the fight against SLAPPs, setting minimum standards which are essential for ensuring better protection of journalists, activists, whistleblowers, advocacy groups, and other public watchdogs. It is important for the EU to get this right, as it can be a model law that can inspire progress outside the EU as well.”
Read the full CASE expert policy brief here.
Email: [email protected]
Linda Ravo
Rebecca Bonello Ghio